Helsinki Classic Yacht Symposium 2023

Samstag, 25. März ab 12:00 Uhr: Classic Yacht Symposium - 10th Edition - Helsinki Music Hall - "Design & Desire in Times to Come - The Future of Classic Yachts and Classic Yachts of the future"
Samstag, 25. März ab 12:00 Uhr: Classic Yacht Symposium - 10th Edition - Helsinki Music Hall - "Design & Desire in Times to Come - The Future of Classic Yachts and Classic Yachts of the future"
Kim Weckström: "Das Thema des 10. Ausgabe des Helsinki Classic Yacht Symposiums ist „Design and Desire in Time to Come“. Wir tauchen tief in die Zukunft klassischer Yachten und die klassischen Yachten der Zukunft ein: Wir diskutieren über sich entwickelnde Ästhetik, Designprinzipien, Segler und Eigner der Zukunft. Von wem und wie könnten sie gebaut werden? Wer wird die Klassiker in Zukunft segeln, besitzen und genießen?"
We invite all friends of Classic Yachting to the 10th Helsinki Classic Yacht Symposium on March 25th! Our theme for our jublee edition is "Design & Desire in Times to Come - The Future of Classic Yachts and Classic Yachts of the future".
Speakers: William Collier, Evelyn Ansel, Dr. Rüdiger Stihl, Juliane Hempel, Jarkko Jämsen, Charlotte Hellman, Tapio Lehtinen, Petri Isotalus, Jukka Kaukonen, Allan Savolainen, Pekka Barck, Hasse Karlsson, Arto Linnervuo, Mikael Stelander
12:00-12:05 Opening Words – Mikael Stelander
12:10-12:20 "Design and Desire in Time to Come - A deep dive into the future of classic yachts and the classic yachts of the future – John Lammerts van Bueren, Samppa Vilkuna
12:20 –12:40 "Taking Classic Racing to the Future – the new international classic yacht circuit is coming alive." – William Collier, Owner and CEO of G.L. Watson & Co. Ltd
12:40 – 13:00 “Safeguarding a legacy for sailors of the future” Evelyn Ansel, Curator of the Herreshoff Marine Museum / America’s Cup Hall of Fame in Bristol R.I.
13:00 – 13:20 “To give birth to an octogenarian” - a fireside chat about Starling Burgess with Dr. Rüdiger Stihl, Stihl Holding Ag & owner of Starling Burgess and naval architect Juliane Hempel
13:20 – 13:40 Break & Refreshments
13:40 – 14:00 “Sources of my Inspiration” - Jarkko Jämsen Yacht Designer, Founding Partner at Aivan Ltd, Navia Design Ltd, and Jamsen Sarl
14:00 – 14:20 “Why we did it, trying to make Princess Svanevit relevant for a nation.” Charlotte Hellman, Chairman for the Burre Hellman family foundation
14:20 – 14:50 Break & Refreshments
14:50 – 15:10 “Highs and lows of circumnavigation” – Tapio Lehtinen, lifetime sailor, Golden and Ocean Globe Races
15:10 – 16:00 Design & Desire - Pecca Kucha:
1. ”Will the wind save the Planet?” – Petri Isotalus, Investment Director, Taaleri Energia
2. ”Who the hell will own a classic in the future?” – Jukka Kaukonen, KK-superyachts
3. ”Oiva – a little boat, with a great name” – Allan Savolainen, Red Sky Yachts
4. ”20 short stories” – Pekka Barck, Yacht historian
5. ”A World Cup in a River” – Hasse Karlsson, Airisto Segelsällskap
6. “Journey towards the future offshore racing - case Tulikettu” – Arto Linnervuo
16:00 – 17:30 Recognitions and Refreshments
19:30 – 23:30 Classic Symposium Dinner - Hilton Strand Helsinki Ballroom