NEWS Die J-Class-Association plant für das Jahr 2012 eine Regattaserie vor der südenglischen Küste - parallel zu den Olympischen Spielen in Großbritannien. Zuerst sind Inshore Races in der Bucht von Falmouth geplant. Danach folgen ein Rennen über den AC-Kurs von 1851 und einige Regatten im Solent, der traditionellen Heimat der in Großbritannien stattfindenden J-Class-Rennen der 1930er Jahre. In einer Mitteilung der J-Class Organisation heißt es:
The J Class Association is pleased to announce outline plans for a series of spectacular regattas in England during 2012 - the Olympic Year. This will be the first time in history that more than four of these imposing yachts will race together in a fleet. The outline plan has received a positive response from J Class owners and event planning is now proceeding. Many yachts in the fleet are now preparing to be on the start line for these 2012 events. FALMOUTH SOLENT ROUND THE ISLAND This J Class event will attract many thousands of spectators. There are numerous headlands and vantage points close to the race courses for viewing this spectacular fleet.
Nine is probably a dream too far, but five yachts sailing together would be magnificent. An event of this magnitude could have a profound effect on yacht racing worldwide. SHAMROCK V - Sir Thomas Lipton’s last yacht to compete for the America’s Cup. 1930 VELSHEDA - Built by W.Stephenson to compete alongside Endeavour. 1933 ENDEAVOUR - T.O.M Sopwith’s first America’s Cup challenger. 1934 RANGER - Replica of H. Vanderbildt’s 1936 America’s Cup defender. 2002 HANUMAN - Replica of T.O.M. Sopwith’s second challenger Endeavour II. 2009 LIONHEART - An original build of a 1936 Ranger design. 2010 RAINBOW - Replica of Rainbow built in 1934 to defend the America’s Cup. 2011 SVEA - An original build of a 1937 Swedish design by Tore Holm. 2011 ATLANTIS - An original build of a 1936 Frank Paine design. 2011
Lesen Sie auch unsere Meldung vom März 2009, in der wir über die aktuellen Neubauvorhaben berichten, die die J-Class der 30er Jahre, eigentlich leere Rennyachten, für die Luxuscharter neu erfinden. |